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There are 4 comments on the topic :"Helpless Screams Of Gorgeous Blonde":The punisher @ USA 1 month ago "She's lucky I'm not there punishing her cuz if I was I'd take a wire hanger bent into the shape of a crop whip and I would shred her bare back and ass as hard as i can until the bllood is spattering everywhere!! And my huge cock would be rock hard while I whip her naked body!"
Tinha que pó você aí no @ Brazil 1 year ago "lugar dela e depois bate em você com arame farpado desgraçados"
Hembra_21 @ Spain 10 months ago "Me gusta ese castigo atada a un poste y que me den de 150 a 200 latigazos, soy masoquista, con mucha gente viendo y disfrutando mi flagelación, mis verdugos mujeres fuertes, sádica, que sepan manejar el látigo y no tengan piedad así suplique parar el castigo, se turnan cada 25 golpes para que me pegen fuerte"