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There are 11 comments on the topic :"Trick Your Gf - Raw Blindfolded Fuck":

Wanda @ Mars 7 years ago "My BF had his brother hide in the other room as he tied me to a chair and blindfolded me. Then they took turns using my mouth. I knew I was sucking my BF but did not know who else was fucking my mouth until after they both finished filling my mouth with cum. It was one of the hottest things I had ever done. I loved it so much that I moved in with my BF and his brother so I could fuck both of them on a regular basis."

lobo @ Mars 9 years ago "Name please,she is hot

lookinginnc @ USA 4 years ago "dead peice of pussy"

Louisa @ Mars 7 years ago "Who is playing the boyfriend? That's what I wanna know...."

Vulgar @ USA 11 months ago "Man she has a great pair of tits."

Chris @ Mars 7 years ago "That's great Wanda, just wait until you start fucking your boyfriends brother without him knowing it on a "regular basis". That's called being unfaithful, and it will happen if it hasn't already happened. You three lit a bomb that can't be put out now, and it's going to cost you your relationship with your boyfriend. Although I suspect that this is what you secretly wanted ever since this started. Way to go Wanda, just remember, everything has a price. Down here and up above somedat."

jony @ Mars 7 years ago "geef mij df naam en adres en dan zal ik haal ik vastbinden .
Mijn vtienden heeft mee gdn en sinds dien neuken we elke dag en elke dag het zelfde verveeld een beetje dus laat mij ook is over u tetten spuiten en ui kappot neuken .
Mijn penis is er klaar voor"

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