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There are 8 comments on the topic :"Transerotica - Pornstar Angelina Valentine Plays With Shemale Sarina Valentina":
wut @ Mars 8 years ago "Lool at trans girl who couldn't get it up hahaha"
nooo @ Mars 8 years ago "The fakest porno of all times"
lion a 14 @ Mars 7 years ago "i want take sarina valentina and angelina valentine for wife and having a llittle baby doll with her if she want well too and maride with her and be their hasbend and pound her with fruit and giant monster gode and monster végétables and giant autruch eggs vibritor .and with food and maride cake and with tron wood. and drike her pee her blood menstruation and her juici juggs body and eaat her meat nude biuttyfull body witches under the moon light"
Mike @ USA 4 years ago "Shemales come fuck my virgin ass. Springfield illinios. 217-691-7568"
... Staci @ USA 4 years ago "My favorite sex scene ever..."
5.8inches @ USA 2 years ago "I would love to fuck them both"